Course Content
Chapter 01 – Sets
A set is a list of objects in no particular order; they could be numbers, letters, or even words. A Venn diagram is a way of representing sets visually.
Chapter 02 – Rational Numbers
In mathematics, a rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction p/q of two integers, a numerator p, and a non-zero denominator q. In this chapter, we will learn to represent rational numbers on a number line and perform arithmetic operations.
Chapter 03 – Decimals
Decimals are a set of numbers lying between integers on a number line. They are just another way to represent fractions in mathematics. In this chapter, we will learn about the conversion of decimals to rational numbers, the kinds of decimals, and absolute values.
Chapter 04 – Exponents
The exponent of a number says how many times to use that number in a multiplication. The laws of exponents simplify the multiplication and division operations and help to solve the problems easily. In this chapter, we are going to discuss the six important laws of exponents.
Chapter 05 – Square Root of Positive Numbers
Square root, in mathematics, is a factor of a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. In this chapter, we will learn about what makes perfect squares and will find the roots of positive numbers by considering real-life scenarios.
Chapter 06 – Direct and Inverse Variation
Variation means change. With direct variation, numbers change proportionately in the same direction, while with inverse variation, they change in opposite directions. In this chapter, we will earn how to solve direct and inverse variation problems, explore their definitions, and work examples to understand the equations and techniques for solving them. Also, we learn to find the continued ratio for two or more ratios.
Chapter 07 – Financial Arithmetic
Financial mathematics describes the application of mathematics and mathematical modeling to solve financial problems. In this chapter, we will learn about the concept of taxation, profit/markups, zakat & ushr, and how they relate to our daily life.
Chapter 08 – Algebraic Expressions
Algebraic expressions are the idea of expressing numbers using letters or alphabets without specifying their actual values. The algebraic equations which are valid for all values of variables in them are called algebraic identities. In this chapter, we will learn to perform operations on polynomials and to factorize an algebraic equation by using identities.
Chapter 09 – Linear Equations
Linear equations are equations having variables with power 1. ax+b = 0 is an example with one variable where x is the variable, and a and b are real numbers. In this chapter, we will learn the definition, type of solutions, and how to solve these equations with one variable and two variables using different methods along with examples.
Chapter 10 – Fundamentals of Geometry
Geometry is the study of different types of shapes, figures, and sizes in Maths or real life. In geometry, we learn about different angles, transformations, and similarities in the figures. It is important to know and understand some basic concepts. We will learn about working in different numbers of dimensions, and about some of the most fundamental concepts in geometry, including points, lines, and planes.
Chapter 11 – Practical Geometry
The practical Geometry chapter will teach you about lines and to construct two-dimensional given different kinds of measurements. A quadrilateral is a closed two-dimensional shape that has four sides and four angles. Any four-sided closed shape such as square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, etc. And a closed two-dimensional shape that has 3 sides and 3 angles is known as a triangle.
Chapter 12 – Circumference, Area and Volume
This topic comes under analytical geometry and the formulas for the volume and the surface area of the sphere were first discovered by Archimedes. In this chapter, we will learn about the area and volume of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.
Chapter 13 – Information Handling
Frequency distribution, in statistics, is a graph or data set organized to show the frequency of occurrence of each possible outcome of a repeatable event observed many times. And, a pie chart is a way of representing data in a circular graph. Pie slices of the chart show the relative size of the data. In this chapter, we will learn to construct the frequency distribution table, some new pie chart vocabulary, and learn to construct the pie chart to represent the data.
Mathematics – VII
About Lesson

Multiplication of Polynomials

The multiplication operation on polynomials follows the general properties like commutative property, associative property, distributive property, etc. Applying these properties using the rules of exponents we can solve the multiplication of polynomials. To multiply to polynomials, we just multiply every term of one polynomial with every term of the other polynomial and then add all the results. Here is an example to multiply polynomials.

Multiplying Polynomials Educational Resources K12 Learning, Algebra I, Math  Lesson Plans, Activities, Experiments, Homeschool Help

Example: (2x + 3y)(4x – 5y)

= 2x(4x – 5y) + 3y(4x – 5y)

= 8x2 – 10xy + 12xy – 15y2

⇒ 8x2 + 2xy – 15y2

Example: Solve (6x−3y)×(2x+5y)


⇒ 6x ×(2x+5y)–3y × (2x+5y) ———- Using distributive law of multiplication

⇒ (12x2+30xy) – (6yx+15y2) ———- Using distributive law of multiplication

⇒12x2+30xy–6xy–15y—————– as xy = yx

Thus, (6x−3y)×(2x+5y)=12x2+24xy−15y2


Division of Polynomials

The division of polynomials is an arithmetic operation where we divide a given polynomial by another polynomial which is generally of a lesser degree in comparison to the degree of the dividend. There are two methods to divide polynomials.

  • Long division of polynomials
  • Synthetic division

Dividing Polynomials and the Remainder Theorem (solutions, examples,  videos, worksheets, activities)


Long Division of Polynomials

Long division of polynomials is the process of dividing one polynomial with another. Division can be done among the different types of polynomials i.e. between two monomials, a polynomial and a monomial, or between two polynomials. A polynomial is n algebraic expression with variables, terms, and coefficients with the degree of the expressions.

Long Division Of Polynomials (video lessons, examples and solutions)

In algebra, the division of algebraic expressions can be done in three ways:

  • Division of a monomial by another monomial.
  • Division of a polynomial by a monomial.
  • Division of a polynomial by a binomial.
  • Division of a polynomial by another polynomial.
Steps For Long Division of Polynomials

The following are the steps for the long division of polynomials:

  • Step 1. Arrange the terms in the decreasing order of their indices (if required). Write the missing terms with zero as their coefficient.
  • Step 2. For the first term of the quotient, divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor.
  • Step 3. Multiply this term of the quotient by the divisor to get the product.
  • Step 4. Subtract this product from the dividend, and bring down the next term (if any). The difference and the brought down term will form the new dividend.
  • Step 5. Follow this process until you get a remainder, which can be zero or of a lower index than the divisor.
Long Division of Polynomial by Missing Terms

While performing long division of polynomials, there can be a missing term in the expression, for example, 6x4 + 3x – 9x2 + 6, x3 is missing. In this case, we either leave a gap while dividing or we write the coefficient as zero. Let’s understand how to do the long division of polynomials with the same example. We need to divide the polynomial a(x) = 6x4 + 3x – 9x2 + 6 by the quadratic polynomial b(x) = x2 – 2

Arrange the polynomial in the descending order of the power of the variable.

a(x) = 6x4 – 9x2 + 3x + 6

b(x) = x2 – 2

Divide a(x) by b(x) in the same way as we divide numbers.

Long Division of Polynomials

Add the missing indices with zero (0) as the coefficient.

Long Division of polynomials

Divide 6x4 by x2 to get the first term of the quotient. We get 6x2.

Long Division of Polynomials

Multiply the divisor by 6x2.

Long Division of Polynomials

Divide 3x2 by x2 to get the next term of the quotient.

Long Division of Polynomials

As the power of the next dividend is less than the divisor, we get our required remainder. Please remember that as the remainder we got is a non-zero term, we can say that x2 – 2 is not a factor of 6x4 – 9x2 + 3x + 6. Therefore, the quotient is 6x2 + 3 and the remainder is 3x.

Long Division of Polynomials by Monomials

While dividing polynomials by monomials, write the common factor between the numerator and the denominator of the polynomial and divide each term separately. Once the result is obtained, add all the terms together to form an expression.

For example:

Divide the following polynomial: (2x2 + 4x + 8xy) ÷ 2x.

Both the numerator and denominator have a common factor of 2x. Thus, the expression can be written as 2x(x + 2 + 4y) / 2x.

Canceling out the common term 2x, we get x + 4y + 2 as the answer.

Long Division of Polynomials by Other Monomial

Long division of polynomials by another monomial is done in a similar manner as done for polynomials by monomials. The factors of the monomial of both the numerator and denominator are listed out and the long division takes place.

For example, divide 62x3 by 2x. The factors of 62x3 = 2 × 31 × x × x × x and 2x = 2 × x. The common factors for both are 2x. Hence, 62x3/2x = 31x2.

Long Division of Polynomials by Binomials

Long division of polynomials by binomials is done when there are no common factors between the numerator and the denominator, or if you can’t find the factors.

Let us go through the algorithm of dividing polynomials by binomials using an example:

Divide: (6x2 – 4x – 24) ÷ (x – 3). Here, (6x2 – 4x – 24) is the dividend, and (x – 3) is the divisor which is a binomial. Observe the division shown below, followed by the steps.

  • Step 1. Divide the first term of the dividend (6x2) by the first term of the divisor (x), and put that as the first term in the quotient (6x).
  • Step 2. Multiply the divisor by that answer, place the product (6x2 – 18x) below the dividend.
  • Step 3. Subtract to create a new polynomial (14x – 24).
  • Step 4. Repeat the same process with the new polynomial obtained after subtraction.

So, when we are dividing a polynomial (6x2 – 4x – 24) with a binomial (x – 3), the quotient is 6x + 14 and the remainder is 18.

Long Division of Polynomials by Other Polynomial

Long division of a polynomial with another polynomial is done when the expression is written in the standard form i.e. the terms of the dividend and the divisor are arranged in decreasing order of their degrees. The long division method for polynomials is considered the generalized version of the simple long division method done with numbers.

Let us look at an example to understand this better. The process of division is very similar to the rest of the methods.

Divide the polynomial 6x3 + 12x2 + 2x + 25 by x2 + 4x + 3. Here, 6x3 + 12x2 + 2x + 25 is the dividend, and x2 + 4x + 3 is the divisor which is also a polynomial.

  • Step 1: Divide the first term of the dividend (6x3) by the first term of the divisor (x2), and put that as the first term in the quotient (6x).
  • Step 2: Multiply the divisor by that answer, place the product (6x3 + 24x2 + 18x) below the dividend.
  • Step 3: Subtract to create a new polynomial (-12x2 – 16x + 25).
  • Step 4: Repeat the same process with the new polynomial obtained after subtraction.

So, when we are dividing a polynomial 6x3 + 12x2 + 2x + 25 with a binomial x2 + 4x + 3, the quotient is 6x – 12 and the remainder is 32x + 61.

What is Synthetic Division?

Synthetic division is a method used to perform the division operation on polynomials when the divisor is a linear factor. One of the advantages of using this method over the traditional long method is that the synthetic division allows one to calculate without writing variables while performing the polynomial division, which also makes it an easier method in comparison to the long division.

We can represent the division of two polynomials in the form:
p(x)/q(x) = Q(x) + R/(q(x))


  • p(x) is the dividend
  • q(x) is the linear divisor
  • Q(x) is quotient
  • R is remainder
Synthetic Division Method

The following are the steps while performing synthetic division and finding the quotient and the remainder. We will take the following expression as a reference to understand it better: (2x3 – 3x2 + 4x + 5)/(x + 2)

  • Check whether the polynomial is in the standard form.
  • Write the coefficients in the dividend’s place and write the zero of the linear factor in the divisor’s place.
  • Bring the first coefficient down.

synthetic division - step 3

  • Multiply it with the divisor and write it below the next coefficient.
  • Add them and write the value below.

synthetic division - step 5

  • Repeat the previous 2 steps until you reach the last term.

snthetic division - step 6

  • Separate the last term thus obtained which is the remainder.
  • Now group the coefficients with the variables to get the quotient.

Therefore, the result obtained after synthetic division of (2x3 – 3x2 + 4x + 5)/(x + 2) is 2x2 – 7x + 18 and remainder is -31

How to do Synthetic Division?

Synthetic division of polynomials uses numbers for calculation and avoids the usage of variables. In the place of division, we multiply, and in the place of subtraction, we add.

  • Write the coefficients of the dividend and use the zero of the linear factor in the divisor’s place.
  • Bring the first coefficient down and multiply it with the divisor.
  • Write the product below the 2nd coefficient and add the column.
  • Repeat until the last coefficient. The last number is taken as the remainder.
  • Take the coefficients and write the quotient.
  • Note that the resultant polynomial is of one order less than the dividend polynomial.


1) Consider this division: (x3 – 2x3 – 8x – 35)/(x – 5). The polynomial is of order 3. The divisor is a linear factor. Let’s use synthetic division to find the quotient. Thus, the quotient is one order less than the given polynomial. It is x2 + 3x + 7 and the remainder is 0. (x3 – 2x3 – 8x – 35)/(x – 5) = x2 + 3x + 7.

Synthetic division of polynomials example

Tips and Tricks on Synthetic Division:

  • Write down the coefficients and divide them using the zero of the linear factor to obtain the quotient and the remainder. (P(x)/(x – a) = Q(x) + (R/(x – a))
  • When we do synthetic division by (bx + a), we should get (Q(x)/b) as the quotient.
  • Perform synthetic division only when the divisor is a linear factor.
  • Perform multiplication and addition in the place of division and subtraction that is used in the long division method.
Exercise Files
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