Course Content
The fundamentals of accounting
The fundamentals of accounting are the basic concepts and principles that underpin the recording, summarizing, and reporting of financial transactions. Accounting is essential for all businesses, regardless of size or industry, as it provides a clear and accurate picture of a company's financial performance and position.
Sources and recording of data continued
A factor is a number that divides the given number exactly without a remainder, whereas a multiple is a number, and that number is a product of the given number with other numbers.
Verification of accounting records continued
A decimal is a number expressed in the scale of tens. Commonly speaking we talk about decimals when numbers include a decimal point to represent a whole number plus a fraction of a whole number (tenths, hundredths, etc.).
Preparation of financial statements
Data handling is the process of collecting, organizing and presenting the data in such a way that is helpful to analyze and make the conclusion.
Preparation of financial statements continued
Preparation of financial statements continued
Analysis and interpretation
Analysis and interpretation
Accounting principles and policies
Accounting principles and policies
Accounting (7707) O Level
About Lesson

The purpose of accounting is to provide financial information about a business or organization to its users. This information is used to make informed decisions about how to manage the business, invest in it, or lend money to it.

Accounting information is used by a variety of stakeholders, including:

  • Management: Accounting information helps managers to track the financial performance of the business, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about future operations.
  • Investors: Investors use accounting information to assess the financial health of a company and decide whether or not to invest in it.
  • Creditors: Creditors use accounting information to assess the creditworthiness of a business and decide whether or not to lend it money.
  • Government agencies: Government agencies use accounting information to regulate businesses and collect taxes.

Accounting information is also used by the general public to understand the financial performance of businesses and other organizations.

The specific purposes of accounting include:

  • To provide a record of financial transactions: Accounting provides a complete and accurate record of all financial transactions that occur during a period of time. This record can be used to track the performance of the business, identify trends, and make informed decisions about future operations.
  • To prepare financial statements: Accounting is used to prepare financial statements, such as the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. These financial statements provide a summary of the financial performance and position of the business.
  • To comply with legal and tax requirements: Businesses are required by law to maintain accounting records and prepare financial statements. Accounting also helps businesses to comply with tax laws and regulations.
  • To support management decision-making: Accounting information is used by managers to make informed decisions about all aspects of the business, such as pricing, production, marketing, and investment.
  • To provide accountability and transparency: Accounting provides a way to track the financial activities of a business and ensure that they are conducted in a fair and transparent manner.

Overall, the purpose of accounting is to provide financial information to users to help them make informed decisions. Accounting is essential for all businesses, regardless of size or industry.

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